Since the early years of my career as a professional and partner in the different firms where I have worked, I have always had a clear and deep yearning for international expansion, fully aware that this would imply “stepping out of the comfort zone” to face challenges and adopt approaches different from those I was used to. This aspiration arose not only from a personal desire, but also from a professional conviction that we had to offer a differentiated value to accompany our clients in their global growth.

Since ancient times, thinkers and economists have recognised expansion as an indispensable strategy to ensure the durability and sustained growth of organisations. In the 20th century, contemporary thinkers such as Peter Drucker underlined this fact as a crucial strategy for the long-term success of companies. He understood that, in a globalised world, companies wishing to grow and endure over time had to expand their operations beyond their local markets.

Today, more than ever, this vision is still valid. Companies must look beyond their borders and we are here to accompany them on the road to international growth.

In line with this vision and our objectives, this year, we conducted a global study ‘Going Global: mapping the route to interpreneurial success’, surveying 1,400 entrepreneurs in 14 countries who have already successfully embarked on this business venture to truly understand what motivates organisations to expand globally, uncovering key trends and strategies for internationalising their businesses.

In my experience, understanding the motivations behind this strategy and anticipating the obstacles that may arise is key to adequately preparing for and thriving in a dynamic and competitive global marketplace. 

For many companies lacking sufficient internal resources and a robust structure, internationalisation represents a considerable challenge. In this context, based on our professional background and knowledge, collaboration with strategic local partners emerges as a decisive factor, as they provide knowledge of the target market and the necessary tools to navigate with confidence, allowing companies to safely enter new markets.